Lakemba Public School

Excellence in Practice

Telephone02 9759 2915

Road safety

Lakemba Public School is located on Alice Street in a residential area surrounded by some busy roads, including King Georges Road and The Boulevard. Alice Street traffic flow is light during the day, peaking before and after school.

There is one pedestrian access gate on Alice Street. To its left, it leads to a pedestrian crossing which is supervised before and after school. An executive teacher is on duty supervising afternoon departure and the exit of students from the school grounds.

The school car park entrance is used by staff and delivery vehicles. The gate is sign-posted to restrict unauthorised vehicle access. Parents, carers and students are not permitted to use the driveway entrance.

There is a rear entrance to the school, located in King George's Road. A pedestrian overhead bridge in King George's Road also leads to the school rear access gate. This gate is locked and not in use during school hours. Traffic light pedestrian crossings are located approximately fifty metres towards the Wiley Park Station.

The majority of students travel to school by car and by foot. There is limited parking and a no parking zone directly outside the school on Alice Street.

What is our priority?

The number one priority for all of us is that children arrive at/and leave school safely each day. Caring for all children, not just our own, means that we make decisions based on their safety, not our convenience. Never make decisions that place others at risk. We need for all families to recognise that road safety is about personal responsibility.

Safety hints and tips


  • allow plenty of time at pick up and drop off times to arrive / leave school
  • cross Alice Street only at the pedestrian crossing
  • cross King Georges Road only using the overhead bridge or at the traffic light crossings
  • hold your child's hand when crossing the road
  • encourage your child to stop, look, listen and think at pedestrian crossings
  • drop your child off by the kerb and drive off to allow other parents to do the same
  • ask all children to get out of the car through the "safety door" (rear door next to the foot path)
  • be patient and respectful to other road users
  • buckle up every time (driver and passengers included).

Do not:

  • talk on your mobile phone while driving/walking around the school
  • leave your car parked in a no parking or no stopping zone
  • park and block private driveways
  • stop or block traffic to wave goodbye or watch your child walk in to school
  • drive into the school grounds or any staff car park (even in rainy weather)
  • encourage or allow a learner driver to drive around school
  • encourage your child to run across the road to get into your car
  • rop your kids off or pick them up while double or triple parked or by stopping in the middle of the road.

Remember, drive safe, think safe, think safe and be safe every day!